The Household Garden Blog

5 Reasons why gardening in pots is the water-Wise choice during drought
With South Africa facing severe water shortages, gardeners and homeowners need to find innovative ways to keep their gardens alive without wasting precious water. Traditional garden beds can be wat...
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Fertilizer for Plants: A Comprehensive Guide
Introduction Fertilizing is a fundamental aspect of gardening that significantly contributes to the health and productivity of plants. Just as humans need nutrients to thrive, plants also require ...
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Growing Vegetables in Shady Areas: Tips and Tricks for a Successful Harvest
In this article, we will share valuable tips and insights on growing vegetables in shady areas.
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Creating a Water-Wise Garden in South Africa: Tips and Tricks
Creating a beautiful and water-efficient garden is a challenge faced by many gardeners in South Africa. With the country's frequent droughts and limited water resources, adopting practices that he...
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5 Steps To Start A Garden From Scratch
If you want to know how to add a garden to your home, this article will list all the necessary steps you need to take when starting from scratch.
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Prepare Garden Soil For Warm-Season Vegetables [Quick Read]
As spring harvest time is ending for cool-season vegetables, it’s time to focus on planting warm-season vegetables for summer. The first thing that is needed is to prepare the garden soil.
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Fertilizers: What you need to know
The three major components of fertilizer are Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K). A balance of all three helps your plants grow quickly and effectively.
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Can garden soil be used in pots?
Garden soil can be used as the base of a homemade potting mix, but it is never ideal. Using any potting mix will ensure that you have the right balance of aeration, drainage, moisture retention and...
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Compost, Fertilizer, Soil – What’s the difference?
They are three well-known products in the gardener’s world, and each could not be more different from the next. And yet when compost, fertilizer, and soil are used together, in the right proportion...
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What is the best type of soil for plants?
Getting to know your dirt is the perfect introduction, or reintroduction, to gardening that you didn’t know you needed.
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Mulch, compost, fertilizer, garden soil. They might all seem to be the same thing, but they are really not. Each has their own unique traits and uses, and of them all, mulch is without a doubt the ...
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